Quickstart Guide

Creating your own CBD products require 3 steps: growing medicinal hemp, harvesting & drying the hemp flowers (buds) that is packed full of CBD, and then including the buds in any recipie to make a CBD infused product.

Growing Medicinal Hemp

You will first need to obtain some hemp seeds from a local dispensary or online through a seed bank, and then plant it in the summer to harvest in the fall.

Check out the guide at  https://www.weedinapot.com/guides  for a free comprehensive indoor and outdoor grow guide with video and written tutorials!

Also check out https://www.weedinapot.com/supplies for a complete list of tools needed before starting an indoors or outdoors grow.

Harvesting Medicinal Hemp

Harvesting, drying and processing the flowers (buds) of the hemp plant is a simple process of cutting and hanging the plant after it is fully grown You can read more about how the process works at  https://www.weedinapot.com/growing8.

Producing CBD Products

Once you have the CBD rich hemp buds, converting them into a variety of products just require extracting the CBD off the buds and combining them with a few ingredients. Below are a few instructional videos of how to do just that to make some of the most popular CBD products on the market. For more recipes check out our Hemp in a Pan video series.
  1. CBD Infused Brownies
  2. CBD Pills
  3. CBD Tincture
  4. CBD E-cig Vape Juice
  5. CBD Lotion Bar
  6. CBD Gummies